Credo si sia già capito che questo blog prende le mosse dalla convinzione che il ruolo del marketing all’interno delle aziende sia in crisi e dalla voglia di discutere/sviluppare soluzioni a questo problema. Perchè di un problema si tratta, non solo per chi il marketing lo fa, ma anche per la competitività delle aziende, almeno nel medio periodo.
Il primo passo per risolvere un problema però è riconoscerlo come tale. Credo che non potrei trovare argometni migliori di questo breve articolo apparso sulla newsletter “Marketing Matters” dell’American Marketing Association.
How would your company’s CEO grade your marketing efforts? VisionEdge Marketing’s 6th annual Marketing Performance Survey polled posed this and other questions to 136 executives and marketing professionals. The results revealed a lack of confidence among respondents regarding CEOs’ perceptions of marketing measurement and a gap between measurement priorities and action.
More than one quarter of respondents stated that their CEOs would give them a “C.” This grade was defined as indicating that the CEO would not be certain that marketing programs make a difference and would say that these programs’ performance is not well documented. Meanwhile, approximately half of respondents believed that their efforts would receive a “B,” meaning that the CEO would say that marketing programs make a difference, but that this effect isn’t documented. Less than 20% of respondents felt their marketing programs would earn an “A” from their CEOs for making a documentable difference in the company.
In addition, the results indicated that despite stressing the importance of marketing measurement, many companies failed to track critical data. For instance, 63% of respondents cited increasing market share in existing markets as a top priority. However, only 37% regularly reported on market share performance indicators. Furthermore, although 58% of respondents named measuring marketing performance as a top priority, 64% admitted having no marketing performance training or budget in place.
Alla prossima.