“When you are in trouble, people who call to sympathize are really looking for the particulars.”
- Edgar Watson Howe
“When you are in trouble, people who call to sympathize are really looking for the particulars.”
- Edgar Watson Howe
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
- Albert Einstein
“Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.”
- Arnold Edinborough
“No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.”
-Henry Brooks Adams
Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings.”
-C.D. Jackson
“To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.”
- Milton Glaser
“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.”
- Oscar Wilde
Vittima del Vinitaly (preparazione e presenza) e della preparazione del 730 biscomarketing sopravvive al metabolismo basale in attesa di tempi migliori. Questa non è la frase del giorno ma una nota di servizio. La frase del giorno di oggi è:
“Never assume the obvious is true.”
- William Safire
“Success means never letting the competition define you. Instead you have to define yourself based on a point of view you care deeply about.”
- Tom Chappell
“Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.”
- William Shakespeare
“Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish.”
- John Jakes
“If you’re attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn’t, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income.”
- Jay Abraham
“Living in an age of advertisement, we are perpetually disillusioned. The perfect life is spread before us every day, but it changes and withers at a touch.”
- J. B. Priestley
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”
- e.e. cummings
“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”
- Leo Burnett